Historical Sites in Beijing

Beijing, the capital of China, is steeped in a rich history that spans over three millennia. It has served as the capital for several dynasties, including the Yuan, Ming, and Qing. The city has witnessed the rise and fall of emperors, the construction of magnificent palaces, and the creation of iconic landmarks. From the imperial grandeur of the Forbidden City to the ancient mystique of the Temple of Heaven, Beijing’s historical sites tell stories of power, culture, and architectural brilliance. The Great Wall of China, an emblem of human ingenuity, winds through the outskirts, reminding visitors of China’s enduring spirit and resilience.

hongluo temple
Hongluo Temple, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Hongluo Temple (红螺寺), located in Huairou District, Beijing, has a rich history dating back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty in the year 338 AD. It is considered...
wofo temple
Wofo Temple, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, location, and Highlights
Wofo Temple (卧佛寺), also known as the “Shi Fang Pu Jue Si” (Ten Directions Universal Enlightenment Temple, 十方普觉寺), is situated on the eastern...
dongyue taoist temple
Dongyue Taoist Temple, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Dongyue Taoist Temple (东岳庙), located in Beijing, is a historic and culturally significant religious site that holds a prominent place in Taoist tradition....
niujie mosque
Niujie Mosque, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, HIghlights, And Tips
Niujie Mosque (牛街清真寺), located in the heart of Beijing, is one of the oldest and most significant mosques in China. Its historical significance, architectural...
liulichang culture street
Liulichang Culture Street - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Liulichang Culture Street (琉璃厂文化街), located in Beijing, China, is a vibrant and historically significant destination that has captivated visitors for centuries....
the temple of the sun park beijing
Temple of the Sun Park Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Temple of the Sun (日坛), one of Beijing‘s renowned historical landmarks and one of the Five Imperial Altars, was originally constructed in 1530...
jietai temple
Jietai Temple, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Jietai Temple (戒台寺) is a famous Buddhist temple located in Mentougou District of Beijing, China. It was first built during the Tang Dynasty (618-907) and...
beijing ming city wall ruins park
Beijing Ming City Wall Ruins Park - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Beijing Ming City Wall Ruins Park (明城墙遗址公园) is a historical site located in the heart of Beijing, China. The park covers an area of 3.3 square kilometers...
legation quarter beijing
Legation Quarter Beijing - Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Legation Quarter (东交民巷) was a foreign enclave located in the heart of Beijing, China during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was established...
badachu park beijing
Badachu Park - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Badachu Park (八大处公园), located adjacent to the Xishan Forest Park in Beijing, spans an expansive 332 hectares with its highest peak reaching an elevation...
peking man site at zhoukoudian
Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Peking Man is a term used to describe a group of prehistoric human fossils that were discovered in the early 20th century at the Zhoukoudian site in China....
white cloud temple beijing
White Cloud Temple, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
White Cloud Temple, or Baiyun Guan (白云观) in Chinese, stands as a prominent Taoist temple in Beijing and serves as the ancestral temple of the Quanzhen...
Ming Tombs
The Ming Tombs Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Ming Tombs, also known as the Thirteen Tombs (明十三陵), are the burial site of 13 emperors of the Ming Dynasty. After Emperor Yongle established Beijing...
beijing bell tower
Beijing Bell Tower - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Beijing Bell Tower (北京钟楼) is an iconic landmark and historical monument located in the heart of Beijing, China. Built during the Ming Dynasty, the...
drum tower beijing
Drum Tower, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Drum Tower (鼓楼) is an iconic landmark located in the heart of Beijing, China. It was built in 1272 during the Yuan Dynasty and rebuilt in 1420 during...
dashilan beijing
Beijing Dashilar historical commercial street - Opening hours, Highlights, and Tips
Dashilar (大栅栏) is a famous commercial street located in the center of Beijing, China. It has a long history dating back to the Ming Dynasty and was once...
temple of earth, beijing
Temple of Earth, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Temple of Earth, also known as Ditan Park (地坛公园), is located in the northern part of Beijing, China. It is one of the oldest and largest temples in...
Guozijian, Beijing - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Guozijian (国子监), also known as the Imperial College, was the highest educational institution in ancient China. It was established in the capital city,...
beijing confucius temple
Beijing Temple of Confucius - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Beijing Temple of Confucius (北京孔庙, 北京文庙), also known as the Kong Miao in Chinese, is a historic temple located in the heart of Beijing, China. It was...
qianmen street
Qianmen Street - Opening Hours, highlights, and Tips
Qianmen Street (前门大街) is a famous commercial and cultural pedestrian street in the heart of Beijing, China. It has a history of over 500 years and was...
yonghe lama temple
Yonghe Lama Temple - Ticket, Highlights, Opening Hours, and Tips
Located in the northeast corner of Beijing, the Yonghe Lama Temple, also known as Yonghe Gong (雍和宫), has a rich history dating back to the Qing Dynasty....
prince gong mansion
Prince Gong's Mansion - Witness to the History of Qing Dynasty
Prince Gong Mansion, also known as Prince Kung’s Mansion (恭王府 gong wang fu), is a historic mansion located in the Xicheng District of Beijing, China....
jingshan park
Jingshan Park - Ticket, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
Jingshan Park (景山公园), also known as Jingshan Hill or Coal Hill, is a beautiful park located in the heart of Beijing, China. It covers an area of 23 hectares...
old summer palace
Old Summer Palace - Tickets, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tour Tips
The Old Summer Palace, also known as Yuanmingyuan (圆明园), was an imperial palace complex located in Beijing, China. Built during the Qing Dynasty in the...
Temple of Heaven - Tickets, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Temple of Heaven (天坛), originally named the “Temple of Heaven and Earth,” served as a site for the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties...
Beihai Park
Beihai Park – Tickets, Opening times, Highlights, and Tips
Beihai Park (北海公园), covering an area of 682,000 square meters with 389,000 square meters of water and 293,000 square meters of land, is one of Beijing’s...
summer palace
Summer Palace – Tickets, Opening Times, Highlights, and Tips
The Summer Palace (颐和园, Yihe Park), a royal garden from the Qing Dynasty, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, 15 kilometers from the city center....
tiananmen square tour
Tiananmen Square – Tickets, Opening Times, Highlights, and Tips
Tiananmen Square (天安门广场), located in Dongcheng District, Beijing, along East Chang’an Street, is the largest city square in the world. It has undergone...
forbidden city, tickets, highlights, and tour tips
Forbidden City (Palace Museum) - Tickets, Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips
The Forbidden City (紫禁城), also known as Beijing‘s Palace Museum (故宫博物院), is a magnificent historical palace that served as the royal residence for...