Yunnan sceneries

Mengyuan Fairy Land

Mengyuan Fairy Land – the best-preserved tropical rainforest

Mengyuan Fairy Land (勐远仙境, Mengyuan Xianjing) is nestled within Mengla County in Yunnan Province, China. Located at approximately 21 degrees north latitude, it boasts one of the best-preserved tropical rainforest areas in the region. It stands as one of China’s largest comprehensive natural reserves, renowned for its rich biodiversity and intact tropical forest ecosystem. The […]

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Xishuangbannan Primeval Forest Park

Xishuangbanna Primeval Forest Park

Xishuangbanna Primeval Forest Park (西双版纳原始森林公园), located to the east of Jinghong and north of the Lancang River, is the closest primeval forest to Jinghong city. Covering an area of 26,310 acres, the park boasts a forest coverage rate of 98.6%, making it the best-preserved primeval forest south of the Tropic of Cancer. This park uniquely

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Wild Elephant Valley

Wild Elephant Valley, Xishuangbanna – Observe Asian Elephants Safely

Wild Elephant Valley (野象谷), located in the Mengyangzi Sub-reserve of the Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve, is China’s first national park dedicated to animal and environmental protection. This unique destination allows visitors to safely observe Asian elephants and their habitats through various attractions, including a high-altitude observation walkway, a rainforest sightseeing cableway, the Asian Elephant Museum,

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Xishuangbannan botanical garden

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (西双版纳热带植物园), founded in 1959 by Chinese botanist Cai Xitao, spans approximately 1125 hectares. It houses over 13,000 living plant species and is divided into 38 specialized plant areas. The garden also conserves around 250 square kilometers of pristine tropical rainforest, making it the largest botanical garden in China by area, species

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Napahai nature Reserve, Shangri-la

Napahai nature Reserve, Shangri-La

Established in 1984, Napahai Nature Reserve (纳帕海自然保护区, Napa Lake Nature Reserve) covers a total area of 2400 hectares, surrounded by mountains on three sides. With peaks ranging from 3800 to 4449 meters above sea level, it is located between 99°37′E to 99°40′E longitude and 27°49′N to 27°55′N latitude. The primary focus of conservation here is

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Shangri-La Alpine Botanical Garden

Shangri-La Alpine Botanical Garden

Shangri-La Alpine Botanical Garden (香格里拉高山植物园) is the world’s first alpine botanical garden in a low latitude and high altitude region, and it is currently the only botanical garden in China’s Tibetan area. Covering an area of 7,247 hectares, the botanical garden is located around the county seat of Shangri-La, adjacent to the Napahai Nature Reserve,

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qianhu mountain shangrila

Qianhu Mountain (Thousand-Lake Mountain), Shangri-La

Qianhu Mountain (千湖山), also known as Thousand-Lake Mountain, is a picturesque gem nestled in the heart of Shangri-La, Yunnan Province, China. Known as “Lamudongcuo” in Tibetan, meaning “Thousand Lakes Goddess,” this natural wonder is renowned for its pristine landscapes and the concentration of high-altitude lakes within the Jinsha River Basin. Situated at elevations ranging from

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balagezong scenic area

Balagezong Scenic Area, Shangrila – A Paradise Inhabited by Deities

Balagezong Scenic Area (巴拉格宗风景区, Balog Zon Scenic Area), located in the northwest of Shangri-La County, is renowned for its breathtaking natural scenery. It is often said that the Blue Moon Valley described in “Lost Horizon” is based on this area, and local legends claim it to be the true Shambhala, a paradise inhabited by deities.

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lamu yangcuo lake, shangri-la

Lamu Yangcuo Lake, Shangri-La (The Holy Mother’s Soul Lake)

Lamu Yangcuo Lake (拉姆央措湖), known in Tibetan as “The Holy Mother’s Soul Lake,” is a captivating and spiritually significant body of water located at the entrance of Ganden Sumtseling Monastery in Shangri-La City. This lake is renowned in Tibetan mythology as the soul lake of the goddess Bathan Lhamo, making it a revered site in

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bita lake shangri-la

Bita Lake, Shangri-La – Pearl of the Plateau

Bita Lake (Bitahai, 碧塔海), situated within the Pudacuo National Park in Shangri-La, stretches approximately 3,000 meters from east to west, with an average width of 700 meters from north to south. At its widest point, it spans about 1,500 meters, narrowing to around 300 meters at its narrowest. The lake has an average depth of

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