Wuyou Temple – Ticket Price, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

wuyou temple

Wuyou Temple (乌尤寺), located at the convergence of Mo River (Dadu River), Ruo River (Qingyi River), and Min River in the eastern part of Leshan, Sichuan Province, stands proudly atop Wuyou Mountain. Originally established in the mid-Tang Dynasty and named Zhengjue Temple, it was later renamed Wuyou Temple during the Song Dynasty. The temple boasts a meticulously designed architectural layout, featuring a total of seven halls all concentrated at the summit of Wuyou Mountain. The surroundings are adorned with lush bamboo and trees, and various pavilions and towers are scattered, creating an exceptionally serene atmosphere.

Wuyou Mountain is surrounded by water on all sides, standing like a solitary sentinel. The mountain is densely covered with flourishing vegetation, and according to historical records in “Records of the Grand Historian” and “History of the Former Han Dynasty,” Wuyou Mountain was originally connected to Lingyun Mountain. However, during the governance of Li Bing, the governor of Shu Commandery, the waters of Mo River were diverted, creating an island out of Wuyou Mountain. A stone stele named “Lidui” now stands on the mountain, signifying its status as a detached isle in the river.

Notably, within the temple complex, there are scenic spots like Yiting Pavilion and Erya Terrace. Erya Terrace is the location where the Han Dynasty literary figure Guo Shenren annotated the ancient Chinese dictionary “Erya” on Wuyou Mountain. The overall ambiance of Wuyou Temple, with its intertwining of pavilions, towers, and the natural surroundings, radiates a sense of tranquility and elegance.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour1 hour
Ticket Price60 RMB
Opening Hours8.00 – 18.00
Telephone Number0086-0833-2126582

Location and Transportation

Wuyou Temple is perched on the slopes of Mount Lingyun, providing a serene and scenic setting for spiritual contemplation. It is also near the iconic Leshan Giant Buddha and Lingyun Temple, which adds to its appeal. To get there, you can choose the following ways:

Bus: Take bus 3, 13, 302, 601, or K1, get off at Wuyou Temple Stop (乌尤寺站), and walk about 200 meters to the west to reach the temple.

Highlights of Wuyou Temple

Dafo Hall (Grand Buddha Hall)

architectural beauty of wuyou temple

Dafo Hall, the principal hall within the temple, underwent significant reconstruction in 1930. The intricately carved floral patterns on the hall’s doors showcase remarkable craftsmanship, crafted by renowned artisans of that era. Adorning the central lintel is a prominent golden plaque inscribed with “Da Xiong Dian” (Great Buddha Hall), featuring calligraphy by Huang Yunhu, a notable calligrapher from the late Qing Dynasty. Inside the hall, dignified statues of the compassionate Sakyamuni Buddha, along with Manjusri and Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas, are enshrined. These figures, carved from fragrant camphor wood with meticulous detail and gilded finish, stand at approximately three meters tall and were transported from Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, during the hall’s extensive restoration.

Wuyou Bodhisattva Statue

Wuyou Bodhisattva Statue in wuyou temple

The Wuyou Bodhisattva Statue, dating back to the Tang Dynasty, stands as the earliest Buddhist sculpture on Wuyou Mountain. Crafted from solid bronze through a holistic casting process, the statue measures two meters in height and weighs approximately three thousand kilograms. Its simplistic yet majestic design embodies the ancient Indian style of sculpting. According to Buddhist scriptures, the face represents the manifestation of Guanyin Bodhisattva, who, legend has it, transformed upon witnessing the shores of two rivers, populated by ghosts and demons. The statue, resembling one of the seventy-two transformations of Guanyin with an eerie resemblance to a ghost king, serves to subdue malevolent forces. This unique representation contributes to the distinctiveness of Wuyou Mountain and Temple, bearing a rare and exceptional character not found in typical Chinese Buddhist temples.

Spiritual Retreat

spiritual retreat in wuyou temple

Wuyou Temple offers a tranquil and serene environment that serves as a spiritual retreat for seekers of inner peace and enlightenment. The temple’s serene ambiance, away from the distractions of modern life, creates an ideal setting for introspection and self-reflection. Visitors can engage in meditation practices, participate in Buddhist rituals, and seek guidance from the resident monks. The retreat allows individuals to detach from worldly concerns, connect with their inner selves, and deepen their understanding of Buddhist teachings.

Cultural Heritage

cultural heritage of wuyou temple

Wuyou Temple is adorned with numerous inscriptions by renowned figures, making it a haven for calligraphy enthusiasts. Prominent modern and contemporary artists such as Zhao Xi, Ma Yifu, He Shaoji, and Zhao Puchu have left their brushstrokes within the temple grounds. Among them, the works of the distinguished scholar Zhao Xi, a late Qing Dynasty Jinshi and notable poet, calligrapher, and lyricist of the early 20th century, stand out. Zhao Xi, originally from Rong County, shared a deep friendship with the eminent Buddhist monk and propagator at Wuyou Temple. As the monk’s disciple, he frequently resided at Wuyou Temple, leaving behind a plethora of poetic and calligraphic masterpieces.

Vlog about Wuyou Temple

Useful Tips from Genuine Reviews

Serene Atmosphere: Compared to the main tourist area of the Leshan Giant Buddha, Wuyou Temple sees fewer visitors, creating a tranquil and solemn environment. The peacefulness is attributed to its lesser-known status among tourists, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a quieter experience.

Accessibility Note: Getting to Wuyou Temple is not easy; after crossing a bridge, there’s a 20-minute uphill climb. Despite the effort required, many find the journey worthwhile due to the serene environment and unique experience offered at the temple.

Transportation Considerations: If only visiting Wuyou Temple and not the main area of the Leshan Giant Buddha, there are plenty of public buses available. However, if driving, be aware of potential traffic congestion, especially during holidays and rush hours.

Meal Options: Wuyou Temple offers vegetarian meals at a cost of 10 yuan per person. The meals are described as simple yet aromatic. Payment can be made at the temple’s dining hall.

Photography Etiquette: It’s important to note that inside the temple, photography of Buddha statues is not allowed. Visitors are advised to respect this rule and refrain from taking pictures of the religious icons.

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