Memorial to Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao – Ticket Price, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

memorial to zhou enlai and deng yingchao

The Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial (周恩来邓颖超纪念馆) in Tianjin stands as a tribute to two influential figures in modern Chinese history. Zhou Enlai, the first Premier of the People’s Republic of China, and his wife Deng Yingchao, a prominent political figure and women’s rights advocate, dedicated their lives to the revolutionary cause and the development of their nation.

The memorial is constructed in Tianjin because Premier Zhou spent his formative years studying and living in the city, considering it his second hometown. The three-story memorial comprises various themed halls, including the Memorial Hall, Zhou Enlai’s Life Exhibition Hall, Deng Yingchao’s Special Exhibition Hall, a replicated Western-style Hall, and a hall showcasing the premier’s special aircraft. Through a combination of text, photographs, statues, wax figures, and the display of personal belongings, the memorial vividly recounts the revolutionary endeavors of Premier Zhou and his wife. Additionally, the memorial hosts occasional temporary exhibitions, providing visitors with a comprehensive insight into the remarkable legacies of these influential figures.

The memorial serves as an educational hub, fostering a deeper understanding of the couple’s ideals and their relentless pursuit of social justice, equality, and national rejuvenation. It also stands as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals during China’s tumultuous history.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of TourAbout 1.5 hours
Ticket PriceFree
Opening Hours9.00 – 16.30; Last admission: 16.00
Closed on Mondays
Telephone Number0086-022-23592257

Location and Transportation

The Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial is situated in the southern part of Tianjin. Its exact address is No. 9, Shuishang Gongyuan West Road (水上公园西路), Nankai District, Tianjin. To get there, you can choose the following ways:

Bus: Take bus 47, 95, 175, 588, 643, 698, 705, 707, 831, 845, 857, 862, 866, 872, 902, or 904, get off at ZhouDeng Memorial Stop (周邓纪念馆站), and you will be standing at the entrance of the memorial.

Metro: The nearest metro station to the attraction is Zhoudeng Memorial on line 3 (周邓纪念馆). After getting out of the station from Exit B, you will be standing right at the tourist center.

Highlights of the Memorial

Exhibition Hall

exhibition hall in zhou enlai and deng yingchao memorial

The exhibition hall of the Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao Memorial in Tianjin is a captivating space that invites visitors to delve into the lives and legacies of these remarkable figures. It houses a comprehensive collection of historical artifacts, photographs, and documents, offering a vivid portrayal of their contributions to China’s revolution and development. With informative displays, interactive exhibits, and multimedia presentations, the exhibition hall provides a captivating journey through the significant political moments, speeches, and achievements of Zhou and Deng. This immersive experience immerses visitors in the rich history and profound impact left by these esteemed individuals.

Deng Yingchao’s Legacy

deng yingchao's legacy in memorial to zhou enlai and deng yingchao

Deng Yingchao’s legacy is a prominent part of the memorial to Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao in Tianjin. As a distinguished political figure and women’s rights advocate, Deng’s contributions are highlighted through various exhibits and displays. The memorial showcases her unwavering commitment to social justice, equality, and women’s empowerment. Visitors can explore Deng’s key role in promoting gender equality, her advocacy for education, and her active participation in political affairs. Through her personal belongings, photographs, and archival materials, Deng’s indelible impact on China’s social and political landscape is celebrated, inspiring visitors with her dedication and progressive vision for a better society.

Zhou Enlai’s Study

zhou enlai's study in memorial to zhou enlai and deng yingchao

Within the memorial to Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao in Tianjin, one of the notable highlights is Zhou Enlai’s study. This meticulously recreated space offers visitors a glimpse into the intellectual and contemplative environment where Zhou Enlai shaped his thoughts and made crucial decisions. The study is adorned with authentic furniture, books, and personal items, providing a sense of the atmosphere in which Zhou Enlai worked. Visitors can explore the study and gain insights into Zhou’s leadership style, political strategies, and deep intellectual engagement.

Former Primier’s Plane

the former primier's plane in memorial to zhou enlai and deng yingchao

One of the captivating attractions within the memorial to Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao in Tianjin is the former premier’s plane. This preserved aircraft holds historical significance as it was used during Zhou Enlai’s time in office. Visitors can marvel at the well-preserved interior, experiencing a tangible connection to the journeys and diplomatic missions Zhou undertook. The plane showcases the style and comfort befitting a premier, allowing visitors to imagine the discussions and decisions that transpired on board. This unique exhibit offers a rare glimpse into the personal and professional life of Zhou Enlai, adding a layer of fascination and authenticity to the memorial experience.

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