Hike from Simatai Great Wall to Jinshanling Great Wall

Hike from Simatai Great Wall to Jinshanling Great Wall

Hike between Simatai Great Wall and Jinshanling Great Wall is a popular trekking route that offers a great opportunity to explore two of the most scenic sections of the Great Wall of China. The Simatai section of the Great Wall is located in Miyun County, about 120 kilometers northeast of Beijing, while the Jinshanling section is located in Luanping County, about 160 kilometers northeast of Beijing.

The hike is approximately 10 kilometers long and takes around 4 to 5 hours to complete, depending on your hiking speed and fitness level. The trek offers stunning views of the surrounding mountains and countryside, as well as the Great Wall itself, with its watchtowers, fortresses, and other architectural features.

The hike begins at the Simatai West Gate and follows the Great Wall in a westerly direction towards Jinshanling. Along the way, you will pass through several watchtowers and fortresses, including the iconic Wangjing Tower, which offers panoramic views of the Great Wall and the surrounding area.

As you continue along the trail, you will encounter steep climbs and descents, narrow paths, and uneven steps, so it’s important to wear comfortable hiking shoes and bring plenty of water and snacks. There are also several rest areas and small cafes along the way where you can take a break and enjoy some refreshments.

The hike concludes at Jinshanling, where you can explore the ancient fortresses and watchtowers and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. There are also several restaurants and souvenir shops in the area where you can relax and purchase mementos of your Great Wall adventure.

Overall, the hike between Simatai and Jinshanling is a challenging but rewarding trek that offers a unique glimpse into the history and culture of one of the world’s most iconic landmarks.

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