Mengyuan Fairy Land – the best-preserved tropical rainforest

Mengyuan Fairy Land

Mengyuan Fairy Land (勐远仙境, Mengyuan Xianjing) is nestled within Mengla County in Yunnan Province, China. Located at approximately 21 degrees north latitude, it boasts one of the best-preserved tropical rainforest areas in the region. It stands as one of China’s largest comprehensive natural reserves, renowned for its rich biodiversity and intact tropical forest ecosystem.

The natural resources in Mengyuan Fairy Land are exceptionally diverse, showcasing a wealth of tropical and subtropical plant and wildlife species. The area features extensive limestone formations, offering a plethora of natural landscapes such as peculiar rock peaks, stone forests, stalactites, stone buds, caves, and underground rivers. These geological formations blend harmoniously with the surrounding tropical rainforest, creating the unique natural scenery of Mengyuan Fairy Land.

The name “Mengyuan” refers to the location of Mengyuan Fairy Land, while “Fairy Land” originates from a legend during the Three Kingdoms period about 2000 years ago. It is said that Zhuge Liang, a renowned strategist, was so captivated by the beauty of the mountains and waters here during a military campaign that he exclaimed, “What a beautiful fairy land!” Since then, the area has been known as Mengyuan Fairy Land.

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Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour2 – 3 hours
Ticket PriceAdmission: 60 RMB
Admission + Going through tropical forest: 253 RMB
Admission + Tropical forest scientific research: 294 RMB
Opening Hours9.00 – 18.00
Telephone Number0086-0691-8731888

Location and Transportation

Mengyuan Fairy Land is situated in Mengla County, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. You can get there by bus from Jinghong, the capital city of Xishuangbanna. Buses depart daily from Jinghong Passenger Station and Fantaichang, with a frequency of every 30 minutes. The bus journey takes approximately 2 hours, and ticket prices range from 25 to 35 yuan per person. Upon arrival in Mengla, disembark at the stop directly opposite the cement factory, where signage indicating Mengyuan Fairy Land can be found. From there, it’s a convenient 1-kilometer walk to the entrance of the scenic area.

Highlights of Mengyuan Fairy Land

Pristine Tropical Rainforest

Pristine Tropical Rainforest In Mengyuan Fairy Land

Mengyuan Fairy Land boasts an ancient tropical rainforest that dates back over 140 million years. It is home to a diverse array of flora and fauna, including ancient species like the “Cycas clivicola,” a living fossil, and the “Cunninghamia lanceolata,” known locally as the Mengyuan Yufeng flower. The forest is also adorned with impressive specimens such as the largest plate-rooted Fouquieria, the longevity tree Dracaena cochinchinensis, and the miraculous Tuanhua tree, each contributing to the area’s biodiversity and ecological significance.

The rainforest of Mengyuan Fairy Land is famous for its epiphytic plants, which thrive in the humid and sheltered environment. These plants, ranging from orchids to ferns and mosses, decorate the trunks and branches of trees, creating a spectacular sight akin to an aerial garden during flowering seasons. The abundance and diversity of epiphytes increase with the humidity levels, offering visitors a unique glimpse into this natural phenomenon.

Ethnic Villages

Ethnic Villages In Mengyuan Fairy Land

Within Mengyuan Fairy Land are three Dai ethnic villages (Chengzi Village, Naka Village, and Nanpin Village) and one Yao ethnic village. Each village retains its distinctive cultural heritage and traditions, contributing to the rich tapestry of ethnic diversity within the scenic area. The Dai and Yao people, living harmoniously with the natural surroundings, showcase their traditional lifestyles, architecture, and craftsmanship, providing visitors with an immersive cultural experience.

Visitors to Mengyuan Fairy Land can immerse themselves in the rich cultural tapestry of the Dai and Yao ethnic groups through various activities and interactions. From traditional ceremonies to handicraft demonstrations, and from local cuisine to folk performances, the cultural vibrancy of these communities adds depth and authenticity to the visitor experience.

Spectacular Karst Caves

Spectacular Karst Caves In Mengyuan Fairy Land

Mengyuan Fairy Land boasts an impressive array of karst caves, with over 100 caves recorded in the Beiye Annals. Among these, the most notable is the Baojiaoniu Cave, stretching an impressive 3,360 meters in length. This cave system features underground rivers with a flow rate of approximately 80-100 liters per second, along with numerous branching passages. The main chamber of Baojiaoniu Cave spans up to 20 meters wide and reaches a height difference of 88 meters, showcasing intricate formations and captivating geological features. One of its unique attributes is the constant temperature of 21°C year-round, earning it the moniker of “Eternal Spring,” offering a stark contrast to the outside temperatures that can soar above 30°C in summer.

Legend of Baojiaoniu Cave

Baojiaoniu Cave In Mengyuan Fairy Land

Baojiaoniu Cave is steeped in legend and folklore, believed to have been a sanctuary for ancient tribes during times of conflict. According to local tales, tribal leaders once hid vast treasures within its labyrinthine passages, some of which remain undiscovered to this day. The cave’s mystique has spread across Southeast Asia, with stories of its riches and spiritual significance resonating in countries like Thailand, Laos, and Myanmar. Revered by the ancient Dai people as a sacred site, Baojiaoniu Cave also houses Buddhist statues placed by Laotian monks, attracting pilgrims and tourists alike who come to seek blessings and experience the spiritual aura of the cave.

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