Nine-Bend Stream in Mount Wuyi

Nine Bend Stream In Mount Wuyi 1

Nine-Bend Stream, or Jiǔqū Xī (九曲溪), is a renowned scenic area located within Mount Wuyi in China. The stream starts at the rafting pier in Xingcun Town, Wuyishan City, and ends at Wuyi Palace by the banks of the First Bend. The name derives from the stream’s winding path through the scenic area, featuring nine distinct bends. Its source lies in the Huanggang Mountain, the highest peak in East China within the Wuyi Mountains National Nature Reserve.

The stream flows from the peak, converging into a clear and serene waterway. It stretches 62.8 kilometers with a drainage area of 534 square kilometers, boasting an annual average runoff of 700 million cubic meters. The surrounding lush vegetation, evergreen trees, and bamboo groves make the area a picturesque paradise. As the stream reaches Xingcun Town, it enters the scenic zone, winding through the majestic mountains of Wuyi. Flowing downstream and counted in reverse, the bends are numbered from Nine Bend to One Bend, where the stream merges with Chongyang Stream. The entire rafting route spans 9.5 kilometers, with a direct distance of only 5 kilometers, resulting in a curvature ratio of 1.9. Rafting downstream takes about 1.5 hours, while the return trip doubles the time. The clear and emerald waters meander through the mountains and valleys, offering breathtaking views of the peaks reflected in the crystal-clear stream.

Major Attractions Along Nine-Bend Stream

  1. Twin Breast Peaks (双乳峰): Located 8 kilometers from Fú’àotáng central area, these two towering peaks stand side by side, resembling the full breasts of a young maiden, hence the name. During rainy days, milky spring water flows down, adding to the scenic allure.
  2. Master Chair Waterfall (师椅飞泉): Situated 6 kilometers from the central area, this three-tiered waterfall cascades down a rock face resembling a master’s chair, with a height of over 50 meters. The wide pool at the base is crystal clear, presenting a majestic sight.
  3. Fishing Hook Pool (钓钩潭): This pool, located 8.5 kilometers from the central area, is shaped like a fishing hook. Covering an area of about 50 square meters and reaching a depth of approximately 4 meters, the pool is surrounded by lush green mountains and offers a serene and reflective view.
  4. Iron Board Rock (铁板岩): Found 7 kilometers from the central area, this natural rock barrier stands 15-17 meters high and 56 meters long along the right side of the trail. It is a popular site for cliff inscriptions, earning the nickname “Copper and Iron Wall.”
  5. Giant Clam Emerges (巨蚌出水): Located 5 kilometers from the central area, two massive rocks stand in the riverbed, resembling a giant clam emerging from the water, lifelike and vivid.
  6. Fairy Finger Peaks (仙指峰): These five distinct peaks, 5 kilometers from the central area, are on the left side of the trail and resemble the fingers of a fairy, thus the name.
  7. Crocodile Swimming Pool (神鳄游潭): Situated 7.5 kilometers from the central area, this spot features a rock shaped like a giant crocodile floating on the water, appearing relaxed and content.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Nine-Bend Stream is from May to September. In May, the rainy season brings unique scenery, while June, July, and September offer fewer tourists and vibrant landscapes due to the peak water period. For those interested in rafting, October and November provide the most comfortable temperatures. However, visiting during the winter months (January to March) is less recommended as the mountain scenery becomes bleak, diminishing the natural beauty.

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