Wangfujing Street – Opening Hours, Highlights, and Tips

wangfujing street

Wangfujing Street (王府井商业街) is one of the most popular shopping districts in Beijing, China. Located in the Dongcheng District, the street is approximately 1.5 km long and is home to numerous shops, department stores, restaurants, and street vendors. It has a history of over 700 years and was once a center for trading with Mongolian and Manchu merchants.

Wangfujing Street is known for its wide range of goods, from high-end luxury brands to traditional Chinese crafts and souvenirs. It is a bustling hub of activity, with both locals and tourists alike coming to explore its shops and sample its many food options. The street is especially famous for its night market, where visitors can find a variety of street food such as scorpions, sea urchins, and other exotic dishes.

In addition to shopping and dining, Wangfujing Street also has several cultural attractions, including the Wangfujing Catholic Church and the Beijing Art Museum.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour1 – 3 hours
Opening HoursMost shopping malls and food vendors in Wangfujing Street operate from 10.00 – 22.00
Ticket PriceFree

Location and Transportation

Wangfujing Street is situated in the heart of the city and is easily accessible by public transportation, including the subway and bus. It runs from Changan Avenue in the south to Dengshikou Street in the north and is approximately 1.5 kilometers long.

Bus: Take bus 103 or 141 and get off at Wangfujing Street North (王府井路口北, Wangfujing Lukou Bei).

Subway: Take subway line 1 or 8, get off at Wangfujing, and you will be standing at the south end of the street.

History of Wangfujing Street

Wangfujing Street has a rich and fascinating history that dates back over 700 years. The street was originally known as “Wang Fu Cheng” and was a residential area for high-ranking officials during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

During the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912), Wangfujing Street became a bustling commercial center, attracting merchants and traders from all over China and even from neighboring countries. It was at this time that the street became known as “Wang Fu Jing,” which means “the well of the prince’s mansion,” a reference to the many wells that were located in the area.

In the early 1900s, Wangfujing Street underwent a transformation as modern shops and department stores began to replace traditional markets and vendors. This transformation continued throughout the 20th century, with Wangfujing Street becoming one of the most popular shopping destinations in Beijing.

During the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s and 1970s, many of the shops on Wangfujing Street were closed or destroyed, and the street fell into disrepair. However, with the opening up of China in 1980s, Wangfujing Street underwent a revival, with many of the old shops and buildings being restored and new businesses opening up.

Highlights of Wangfujing Street


shopping in wangfujing street

Wangfujing Street is one of the most popular shopping destinations in Beijing, offering a wide range of shopping options for visitors. From luxury boutiques to traditional Chinese shops, there is something for everyone. The street is home to several large shopping malls, including the Beijing Department Store, the Oriental Plaza, and the Sun Dong An Plaza, which offer products from high-end fashion brands to electronics and souvenirs. In addition, there are also many street vendors and small shops selling traditional Chinese crafts and souvenirs.

Street Food

street food in wangfujing street

Wangfujing Street is famous for its night market, which is a must-visit destination for foodies. Here, visitors can sample a wide range of traditional Chinese street food, including exotic delicacies like scorpions, starfish, and sea urchins. In addition, there are also many vendors selling more familiar snacks like jianbing (Chinese crepes), roujiamo (Chinese hamburger), and skewered meats. The night market is a bustling and lively atmosphere, with vendors calling out to passersby and the smells of frying and grilling filling the air.


nightlife in wangfujing street

Wangfujing Street is also known for its vibrant nightlife scene, with a variety of bars, clubs, and karaoke venues catering to both locals and tourists. The street comes alive at night, with neon lights illuminating the bustling crowds. Some of the most popular nightlife destinations in Wangfujing include the Blue Frog Bar & Grill, which offers live music and a diverse menu of drinks and food, and the Xiu Bar, which boasts panoramic views of the city skyline. In addition, there are also many karaoke venues where visitors can belt out their favorite tunes with friends.

Vlog about Wangfujing Street

Tour Tips

Bring cash: While some vendors may accept credit cards, it’s always a good idea to have cash on hand when visiting Wangfujing Street. Most vendors in the night market and small shops may only accept cash.

Bargain: In some smaller shops or street vendors, bargaining is expected. Don’t be afraid to negotiate for a better price.

Be cautious with street food: Although Wangfujing’s street food is popular, some vendors might not meet hygiene standards. It’s best to buy food from busy vendors or if possible, try to go with a local.

Watch your belongings: Like any crowded tourist destination, pickpocketing is a risk. Be sure to keep your valuables secure and be aware of your surroundings.

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