5 things to do in Old Summer Palace

5 things to do in Old Summer Palace

The Old Summer Palace, also known as the Yuanming Yuan, was a complex of palaces and gardens located in the northwest of Beijing, China. Originally built during the 18th century during the Qing Dynasty, the palace was considered one of the most magnificent imperial gardens in the world before it was destroyed in 1860 during the Second Opium War.

Despite its ruinous state, the Old Summer Palace remains a popular tourist destination in Beijing, attracting millions of visitors every year. Here are six things you can do when you visit the Old Summer Palace:

Explore the Ruins: The Old Summer Palace is now a large complex of ruins, but you can still see the remains of the former palaces, pavilions, and gardens that made up the imperial complex. Take a stroll through the expansive grounds and marvel at the impressive architecture and design of the palace.

Visit the Exhibition Hall: Located in the southeast corner of the palace, the Exhibition Hall showcases the history of the Old Summer Palace and provides visitors with an informative overview of the palace’s past and present.

Attend a Photography Exhibition: The Old Summer Palace is a popular location for photography exhibitions, showcasing the work of both local and international photographers. These exhibitions provide visitors with a glimpse into the beauty and history of the palace.

Walk Around the Lakes: The Old Summer Palace is surrounded by several large lakes, including the Kunming Lake and the Houhu Lake. Take a leisurely stroll around the lakes, enjoying the peaceful scenery and taking in the stunning views of the palace.

Visit the Gardens: The Old Summer Palace was known for its stunning gardens, which were designed to showcase the beauty of nature. Walk through the gardens and enjoy the colorful flowers, intricate rock formations, and flowing water features.

Overall, the Old Summer Palace is a fascinating historical and cultural site that offers visitors a glimpse into China’s imperial past, as well as the beauty and wonder of traditional Chinese architecture and gardens.

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