Shenjiamen Fishing Port – The Largest Natural Fishing Port in China

Shenjiamen Fishing Port

Shenjiamen Fishing Port (沈家门渔港), located on the southeastern side of the Zhoushan Archipelago in Zhejiang Province, China, faces the East China Sea and is backed by the Qinglong and Baihu mountains. This creates a naturally sheltered harbor about ten miles long and half a mile wide, making it the largest natural fishing port in China. It ranks alongside Bergen in Norway and Callao in Peru as one of the world’s three major fishing ports.

The port of Shenjiamen has a rich history, with its bustling market forming as early as the mid-Qing Dynasty. Historically, it was renowned for its vibrant commerce, with records noting its bustling markets filled with marine products and busy merchants, earning it the nicknames “Little Shanghai” and “Live Water Dock.” Today, the port remains a hive of activity year-round, with thousands of boats crisscrossing the waters. During fishing seasons, tens of thousands of fishermen from across coastal provinces and cities converge here, creating a spectacular sight of masts and nets.

Strategically located at the confluence of the Yangtze River, Qiantang River, and Yong River, Shenjiamen connects to significant fishing grounds. To the north lies the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea fishing grounds, while the south leads to the Hainan fishing grounds, and the east to the Wenwai and Minwai fishing grounds. During fishing seasons, boats from all over China’s coastal provinces, the islands of Zhoushan, and even Taiwan gather here to shelter from storms, trade fish, repair equipment, and restock supplies. At its peak, the port can accommodate nearly ten thousand boats and over a hundred thousand people.

Shenjiamen is a hub for fresh seafood, drawing together various fish, crabs, shrimp, shellfish, and other marine products from across the region. Each evening, the ten-mile stretch along the port lights up with seafood stalls, attracting a steady stream of diners. Visitors can enjoy fresh seafood while taking in the sea breeze and sipping beer, making for a delightful experience. The unique combination of “tasting seafood, enjoying sea views, and shopping for marine products” has become a hallmark of Shenjiamen Fishing Port, turning it into a popular tourist destination.

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour1 hour
Ticket PriceFree
Opening Hours24 hours a day

Location and Transportation

Shenjiamen Fishing Port is located at 244 Bingang Road, Putuo District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, China. To get there, you can take bus 7, 229, 301, 303, or A7 and get off at Hewai Stop (荷外站).

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