White Pagoda – a prominent landmark in Beihai Park

white pagoda in beihai park

The White Pagoda, also known as the White Dagoba or Bai Ta in Chinese, is a prominent landmark located within the Beihai Park in Beijing, China. Beihai Park is one of the oldest and most well-preserved imperial gardens in the country, with a rich history dating back over a thousand years. The park covers an area of approximately 71 hectares and houses numerous architectural and cultural treasures, including the White Pagoda.

Historical Significance:

The White Pagoda is a symbol of Buddhism and Tibetan culture. It was built during the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) by Emperor Kublai Khan, who was a devout follower of Tibetan Buddhism. The pagoda was constructed to promote and propagate Tibetan Buddhism in China. Over the centuries, it has served as a religious site, a place of pilgrimage, and a testament to the cultural exchange between Tibetan and Han Chinese communities.


The White Pagoda stands tall on the top of Jade Islet, a man-made island in the middle of the Beihai Lake. It is a magnificent and elegant structure, blending Tibetan and Han Chinese architectural styles. The pagoda is 35.9 meters high and consists of a solid white stone base with thirteen levels of wooden eaves. Each level is adorned with exquisite carvings and decorations, including intricate patterns, Buddhist scriptures, and sculptures of divine beings.


The number thirteen holds great significance in Tibetan Buddhism, representing the stages of spiritual enlightenment. The thirteen levels of the White Pagoda symbolize the path to enlightenment, with the ultimate goal of reaching nirvana. The pagoda’s white color symbolizes purity and peace, which are core principles of Buddhism.


The interior of the White Pagoda is equally impressive. Visitors can climb up the pagoda via a winding staircase that leads to the top. Along the way, they can explore the various levels, which contain Buddhist relics, scriptures, and artifacts. The higher levels offer panoramic views of Beihai Park, offering a breathtaking perspective of the surrounding landscape.


The White Pagoda is surrounded by beautiful gardens, walkways, and scenic views of the Beihai Lake. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the park, admiring the lush greenery, serene water features, and ancient trees. The pagoda is also located near other notable attractions within Beihai Park, such as the Nine-Dragon Wall and the Circular City.

Cultural Significance:

As one of Beijing’s most iconic landmarks, the White Pagoda holds immense cultural and historical significance. It represents the harmony between Tibetan Buddhism and Chinese culture, showcasing the mutual influence and integration of different traditions. It has been designated as a key cultural relic under state protection and attracts both domestic and international tourists who seek to explore the religious, architectural, and natural beauty of the park.


In conclusion, the White Pagoda in Beihai Park is a captivating structure that showcases the fusion of Tibetan and Han Chinese architectural styles. With its rich history, intricate design, and cultural symbolism, it stands as a testament to the profound cultural heritage of China and the enduring influence of Buddhism. A visit to the White Pagoda offers a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in the spirituality, artistry, and natural splendor of one of Beijing’s most treasured landmarks.

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