Yongfu Temple, Hangzhou – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Yongfu temple hangzhou

Yongfu Temple (永福寺) is situated approximately 500 meters west of Lingyin Temple, beneath the rocky peaks. According to historical records from the Qing Dynasty’s Kangxi period, documented in the “Hangzhou Prefecture Annals,” Yongfu Temple is nestled at the foot of Xingsheng Mountain, opposite the Huyuandong Cave on Feilaifeng Peak. Originally, the temple was divided into upper and lower sections, and like other temples such as Xiaotianzhu (formerly known as Fanjingyuan), it was founded by Master Hui Li. Records suggest that in the first year of the Xianhe era of the Eastern Jin Dynasty (326 AD), the Indian monk Hui Li came to Hangzhou and built ten temples successively, including Lingjiu and Lingyin, with Yongfu Temple being one of them, boasting a history of over 1600 years.

Covering an area of over 300 acres, Yongfu Temple’s architectural ensemble rises with the terrain, comprising five open courtyards: Puyuan Jingyuan Yard, Jialing Lecture Yard, Ziyan Huiyuan Yard, Guxiang Zen Yard, and Fuquan Tea Yard. The temple boasts seven bays, five palaces, three halls, two pavilions, and two towers, along with over a thousand ancient trees and famous woods, making it one of the largest restored temples in the Buddhist community of Hangzhou.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour1 – 2 hours
Ticket Price45 RMB included in the ticket for Feilaifeng Peak
Opening Hours8.30 – 17.30
Telephone Number0086-0571-87965671

Location and Transportation

Yongfu Temple is located at No. 16, Fayun Lane, Lingyin Road, West Lake District, Hangzhou City. It sits approximately 500 meters west of Lingyin Temple, beneath the rocky peaks. To get there, you can take bus 103, 121, 324M, or 1314, get off at Santianzhu – Fajing Temple Stop (三天竺法净寺站), and walk about 700 meters to the northwest.

Highlights of Yongfu Temple

Puyuan Jingyuan (Universal Cleansing Courtyard)

puyuan jingyuan in yongfu temple hangzhou

Formerly known as Puyuan Temple during the Wu-Yue Kingdom era, this courtyard’s main hall is dedicated to Guanyin, adorned with a wooden sculpture of the Thousand-Armed Guanyin Bodhisattva, symbolizing the Pure Land teachings. The left side of the courtyard features a guest hall responsible for hosting monks and visitors, while the right side houses the Wuguan Hall and Yunshui Hall, serving as the primary venues for daily activities and Buddhist ceremonies.

Jialing Lecture Yard

jialing lecture yard in yongfu temple hangzhou

This courtyard’s main hall, known as Fanlai Hall, functions as both a lecture hall and a music venue. It stands as Hangzhou’s first multi-functional Buddhist art hall, resembling the Western Pure Land of Jialingpengqia, hence the name Jialing Lecture Yard. Adjacent to the hall is the Wenjing Pavilion, showcasing Buddhist calligraphy and painting, while the Yiming Study houses a vast collection of Buddhist art books for reading and circulation.

Ziyan Huiyuan (Wisdom and Insight Courtyard)

ziyan huiyuan in yongfu temple

Situated behind Yongfu Temple is the ancient Ziyan Mountain, named after which the temple was once called Ziyan Temple during the Wu-Yue era. With an aura of wisdom and illumination, this courtyard is aptly named Ziyan Huiyuan. Its main hall, the Mahavira Hall, enshrines a bronze statue of Shakyamuni Buddha weighing 19000 kilograms, along with statues of Kashyapa and Ananda. The Fukushi Pavilion, located in front, has been home to various protective deities since the Song Dynasty. From the courtyard, visitors can enjoy panoramic views of West Lake, Feilaifeng Peak, Beigaofeng Peak, as well as the scattered temples of Lingyin and Tianzhu.

Guxiang Zen Yard (Ancient Fragrance Zen Courtyard)

guxiang zen yard in yongfu temple

During the Ming Dynasty’s Chenghua era, the monk Gu Xiang constructed the Haitian Tower in the upper courtyard due to its serene environment, which was conducive to Zen meditation. Thus, the courtyard was aptly named Guxiang Zen Yard. The main building in this courtyard is the Scripture Repository, housing a set of the Qianlong Edition Tripitaka and a rare statue of a twelve-year-old Shakyamuni Buddha, a treasure of Yongfu Temple. Below the Scripture Repository is the “Xinyue Seal Room,” showcasing the life and relics of Master Xinyue. The side building houses the Hall of the Three Saints, enshrining statues of Amitabha Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva, adorned with traditional Tang Dynasty lacquer-gold craftsmanship, embodying immense artistic value.

Fuquan Tea Yard (Blessed Spring Tea Courtyard)

fuquan tea yard in yongfu temple

In ancient times, Yongfu Temple had two springs named Jinsha and Yinsha, and during the Ming Dynasty, the Fuquan Pavilion was built among them. Today, the Fuquan Tea Yard capitalizes on Yongfu Temple’s favorable geographical and climatic conditions, cultivating tea plants throughout the temple grounds. Additionally, a tea house is established south of the Jialing Lecture Yard, where a variety of renowned teas from around the world are gathered. Here, visitors can partake in tea ceremonies, engage in philosophical discussions, and find enlightenment while overlooking Feilaifeng Peak and the vast expanse of West Lake. With each sip of tea, one can immerse themselves in the tranquility of nature, finding harmony amidst flowing waters and rustling pines.

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