White Horse Pagoda, Dunhuang

Dunhuang White Horse Pagoda

The White Horse Pagoda (白马塔, Baimata) is located in Dunhuang City and dates back to the Later Qin dynasty. The current structure was rebuilt during the 24th year of the Daoguang era in the Qing dynasty (1843-1844). This impressive architectural site stands at nine stories high, with a height of 12 meters and a diameter of 7 meters. The pagoda is constructed primarily from adobe bricks, with a central column and exterior coated in grass mud and lime. The base of the pagoda is octagonal, with each side measuring 3 meters wide, surrounded by brickwork.

The design of the pagoda evolves as it ascends. The second through fourth stories have a stepped, overlapping shape. The fifth story is notable for its protruding knobs encircling the structure, above which is a layer of upturned lotus petals. The sixth story features a bell-shaped stupa body, while the seventh story is fashioned into a dharma wheel shape. The eighth story has a hexagonal cap with wind bells hanging from each corner, and the ninth story culminates in a beaded pinnacle. Overall, the pagoda embodies the style of a Lamaist stupa from the Ming dynasty.

According to legend, this ancient pagoda was built by the renowned Kuchean monk Kumarajiva to honor his beloved white horse. It is said that in the 18th year of the Jianyuan era (382 AD) of the Former Qin dynasty, Emperor Fu Jian ordered General Lü Guang and General Jiang Fei to lead an army of 70,000 to conquer the Kingdom of Kucha. The emperor instructed them to bring Kumarajiva, who was highly regarded for his deep understanding of Buddhist doctrines and his proficiency in metaphysics, back to the east if they were victorious.

After conquering Kucha and subjugating over 30 kingdoms in the Western Regions, Lü Guang invited Kumarajiva to return east to propagate Buddhist teachings. When they reached Dunhuang, Kumarajiva had a dream in which his white horse revealed its true identity as a celestial dragon steed sent by the Buddha to escort him eastward. The horse informed him that they had reached the threshold of salvation, but it would soon pass away, and Kumarajiva would find a new mount beyond the Yangguan Pass. Upon awakening, Kumarajiva found that his white horse had indeed died.

Moved by this event, local Buddhist devotees buried the white horse at the foot of the city and erected a pagoda in its memory, naming it the White Horse Pagoda. The nine stories of the pagoda symbolize the horse’s age of nine years at the time of its death. The pagoda stands not only as a tribute to Kumarajiva’s faithful steed but also as a significant cultural and historical monument reflecting the deep roots of Buddhism in the region.

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour0.5 hour
Ticket Price15 RMB
Opening Hours8.00 – 18.00
Telephone Number0086-0937-8868766

Location and Transportation

The White Horse Pagoda is situated in the eastern corner of the ancient city of Shazhou in Dunhuang, Gansu Province. To get there, you can take bus Dunhuang 5 and get off at Baimata Scenic Area Stop (白马塔景区站).

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