Xiamen Science and Technology Museum

Xiamen Science And Technology Museum

The Xiamen Science and Technology Museum (厦门科技馆) is located in the Xiamen Cultural and Art Center, covering a building area of 21,000 square meters with a permanent exhibition hall area of 12,000 square meters. The museum features five major themed exhibition halls: “Cradle of the Ocean,” “Exploration and Discovery,” “Creating Civilization,” “Harmonious Development,” and “Children’s Future.” Additionally, it houses a health-themed park, an optics exhibition area, a “Cross-Strait Ocean Technology Exhibition Hall,” and three special-effect theaters. With over 400 exhibits, the museum serves as a comprehensive science and technology center for popular science education, tourism, and leisure.

The Xiamen Science and Technology Museum has received numerous accolades, including National Science Education Base, Best Domestic Museum, Best Family-Friendly Tourist Destination, and Top Ten Highly Rated Scenic Spots. Through its unique approach to science education and a wide range of engaging activities, the museum brings science closer to the public, encouraging people to visit and develop a love for science. The museum effectively serves the community by making scientific knowledge accessible and enjoyable for all.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of Tour2 – 3 hours
Ticket Price130 RMB for Main Exhibitions, Mars Hall, and Feiyue Cinema
130 RMB for Main Exhibitions, Mars Hall, and Children’s Future Hall
150 RMB for Main Exhibitions, Mars Exhibition, Children’s Future Hall, and Dream Theather
159 RMB for Main Exhibitions, Mars Hall, Children’s Future Hall, and Feiyue Cinema
Opening Hours9.00 – 17.00; Closed on Mondays
Telephone Number0086-0592-5147666

Location and Transportation

The Xiamen Science and Technology Museum is located at No. 95, Tiyu Road, Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province. It is situated within the Xiamen Cultural and Art Center, offering a convenient and prominent location for visitors to explore its various exhibits and attractions related to science and technology. To get there, you can choose one of the following ways:

Bus: Take bus 23, 24, 25, 101, 116, 126, 752, 855, 859, 954, or M2 and get off at Cultural and Art Center Stop (文化艺术中心站)

Metro: The closest metro station to Xiamen Science and Technology Museum is Rencai Zhongxin (人才中心) on line 3. After getting out of the station from Exit 4, walk about 400 meters to the east to reach the museum.

Highlights of Xiamen Science and Technology Museum

Prelude Hall

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The Prelude Hall serves as the introductory area to the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum’s diverse exhibits. The hall features the museum’s centerpiece, the water-powered clock, known as the Water Clock. Standing at 7.4 meters tall, this timekeeping device is inspired by the water-driven astronomical clock tower designed by Northern Song dynasty scientist Su Song. The Water Clock uses the core components of Su Song’s design, including the waterwheel-driven escapement mechanism and siphon system. This unique exhibit demonstrates ancient Chinese ingenuity and innovation in the field of horology.

Cradle of the Ocean Hall

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The Cradle of the Ocean Hall, also known as the Marine Hall, is a pioneering exhibit focused on marine science. This hall is part of the Cross-Strait Ocean Technology Exhibition Hall, a significant project aimed at enhancing scientific and cultural exchanges between Xiamen and Taiwan. The Marine Hall provides a comprehensive introduction to marine science through various interactive methods, including textual explanations, visual displays, interactive games, and hands-on experiences. It aims to increase public awareness of marine ecosystems and the importance of their conservation, promoting harmony between humans and the ocean. The Marine Hall is divided into three main themes: Life and the Ocean, The Strait and the Ocean, and The Poles and the Ocean

Exploration and Discovery Hall

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The Exploration and Discovery Hall, also known as the Discovery Hall, stands as the largest exhibition area within the Xiamen Science and Technology Museum. It is divided into five major zones: Optics, Acoustics, Mechanics, Electromagnetics, and Trees and Their Friends. Featuring over 80 interactive exhibits, this hall invites visitors to explore fundamental scientific principles through hands-on engagement.

  1. Interactive Exhibits: More than 80 exhibits await visitors to manipulate and explore, including the Magnetic-Electric Grand Stage, Relativistic Photon Ride, Mirror Maze, and Magic House. These exhibits use multi-sensory and comprehensive display setups to organically connect the development of natural sciences, emphasizing the joy of science through interactive experiences and comparative exploration.
  2. Multi-sensory Experience: The hall offers a variety of sensory inputs, allowing visitors to interact directly with scientific phenomena such as sound waves, mechanical forces, and electromagnetic fields. The Mirror Maze, for instance, provides a playful environment to learn about the behavior of light and reflections.
  3. Educational Impact: By bridging theoretical knowledge with practical applications, the Exploration and Discovery Hall enhances visitors’ understanding of scientific principles in everyday life. It fosters curiosity and appreciation for the role of science in shaping the world around us.

Hall of Civilization Creation

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The Hall of Civilization Creation, also referred to as the Creation Hall, is dedicated to showcasing advanced modern scientific and technological achievements. It is divided into three main areas: Digital World, Robot Playground, and Exhibition Area of Xiamen’s Local High-tech Enterprises.

  1. Digital World: This section features interactive multimedia displays that demonstrate the profound impact of digital technologies on various aspects of human life, from communication to entertainment and beyond. Visitors can engage with simulations of virtual environments and explore the evolution of digital innovations.
  2. Robot Playground: Here, visitors can interact with exhibits that showcase the functionalities and applications of robotics in different industries. It highlights how robotics contribute to advancements in automation, manufacturing, and daily life.
  3. Exhibition Area of Local High-tech Enterprises: Showcasing innovations from Xiamen’s local high-tech enterprises, this area presents achievements in artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and sustainable energy solutions. It underscores the role of local innovations in driving global technological progress.

Harmony Development Hall

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The Harmony Development Hall, also known as the Harmony Hall, focuses on the theme of “Human, Life, Science” and promotes the concept of harmonious interaction. It consists of three main exhibition areas: Life and Health Exhibition Area, Earthquake Simulation Experience, and Holographic Sound Experience.

  1. Life and Health Exhibition Area: This section is Xiamen’s first health-themed amusement park, showcasing the harmonious interaction between humans and life sciences. It features human body structures, specimen models, interactive models, and multimedia technologies. Visitors can explore various aspects of human anatomy and health, promoting awareness of healthy living and medical sciences.
  2. Earthquake Simulation Experience: Visitors can engage in a realistic simulation of seismic activity, learning about earthquake mechanics and disaster preparedness. This interactive exhibit educates visitors about earthquake phenomena and safety measures in a dynamic and engaging manner.
  3. Holographic Sound Experience: This exhibit uses holographic technology to create immersive sound experiences, enhancing visitors’ understanding of acoustics and sound propagation. It allows for a sensory exploration of sound waves and their applications in technology and entertainment.

Children’s Future Hall

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The Children’s Future Hall, also known as the Children’s Hall, is themed around “Adventure Island” and comprises four main areas: Jungle Adventure, Ingenious Craftsmen, Water Flow Exploration, and Small Ball Tribe. It features the first Lost Garden in China, an Insect Forest, Waterworks Playground, and Happy Castle, among other interactive zones.

  1. Adventure-themed Zones: Each area within the Children’s Future Hall offers unique interactive experiences designed to inspire children’s curiosity and exploration. From navigating jungle trails to experimenting with water dynamics and exploring insect habitats, these zones encourage hands-on learning and scientific inquiry.
  2. Educational Objectives: The hall aims to foster children’s joy in experiencing science while developing their scientific inquiry skills. Through interactive exhibits and playful environments, children are encouraged to engage actively in learning, promoting a lifelong interest in science and technology.
  3. Innovative Exhibits: Featuring state-of-the-art exhibits such as the Waterworks Playground and Ingenious Craftsmen, the hall provides children with opportunities to learn about engineering principles, ecological systems, and creative problem-solving in a fun and engaging setting.
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