Shangri-La attractions

shangri-la grand canyon

Shangri-La Grand Canyon – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Shangri-La Grand Canyon (香格里拉大峡谷), named for its endpoints Shangge and Lira, is reputed to be the Blue Moon Valley mentioned in the book “Lost Horizon.” The canyon is remarkably deep and narrow, with walls soaring over 1,000 meters high. Its widest point spans approximately 80 meters, while the narrowest is just over 10 meters. The […]

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haba snow mountain

Haba Snow Mountain – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Haba Snow Mountain (哈巴雪山), situated in the southeastern part of Shangri-La County, is a towering peak dramatically uplifted by the tectonic movements of the Himalayas and subsequent Quaternary structural activities. With its highest peak reaching an elevation of 5,396 meters above sea level and the lowest point at a mere 1,550 meters, Haba Snow Mountain

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shika snow mountain

Shika Snow Mountain – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Shika Snow Mountain (石卡雪山), located southwest of Jiantang Town in Shangri-La County, stands at an altitude of 4,449.5 meters and is a seasonal snow-capped mountain. The name “Shika” is derived from Tibetan, meaning “Mountain of Deer.” In Tibetan Buddhism, deer symbolize the multitude of beings listening to the Buddha’s teachings, thus Shika Snow Mountain represents

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white water terraces (baishuitai)

White Water Terraces (Baishuitai) – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

White Water Terraces, also known as Baishuitai (白水台), are located at the foot of the Haba Snow Mountain in Shangri-La, with an altitude of 2380 meters and covering an area of about 3 square kilometers. It is the largest travertine terrace in China and is considered the birthplace of the Dongba religion of the Naxi

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dukezong ancient town

Dukezong Ancient Town – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Dukezong Ancient Town (独克宗古城) stands as China’s largest and best-preserved Tibetan residential cluster. Its origins trace back to the Tang Dynasty, specifically during the reigns of Tang Yifeng and Diaolu, from 676 to 679 AD. Atop Duigui Mountain, the Tubo people established a fortress named “Dukezong,” a Tibetan term carrying dual meanings: “a castle built

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Ganden Sumtseling Monastery

Ganden Sumtseling Monastery – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Ganden Sumtseling Monastery (噶丹松赞林寺, Songzanlin Temple), also known as Guihua Monastery (归化寺), is situated 5 kilometers north of Shangri-La, nestled at the foot of Foping Mountain. This grand monastery was constructed in 1679 by the decree of the Fifth Dalai Lama and Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, and it was completed in 1681. The

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tiger leaping gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡), located in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River in Yunnan Province, China, is divided into three sections: Upper Tiger Leaping, Middle Tiger Leaping, and Lower Tiger Leaping. The gorge stretches for 17 kilometers, with a winding road of 25 kilometers. With a vertical drop of over 3,900 meters, it is

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pudacuo national park, Shangri-la

Pudacuo National Park, Shangri-la – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

Pudacuo National Park (普达措国家公园) is situated in Shangri-La City, Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, at the heart of the “Three Parallel Rivers” World Heritage Site in the northwest of Yunnan. With an elevation ranging from 2347 meters to 4670 meters, the park boasts unique landscapes such as cliff faults, forested streams, and deep gorges, encompassing pristine

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