Meijiawu Tea Village, Hangzhou – Ticket, Opening Hours, Location, and Highlights

meijiawu tea village

Meijiawu Tea Village (梅家坞茶文化村) boasts a history spanning over 600 years and possesses more than 2,300 acres of tea plantations. Situated on the outskirts of Hangzhou, it holds the prestigious status of being a first-class protected area for West Lake Longjing Tea and serves as one of the main production areas for this renowned tea variety.

During the months of March and April, the village comes alive with the bustling activity of tea farmers in the fields, marking the season for harvesting and processing new tea leaves. Visitors arriving during this time can actively participate in the tea-picking and tea-making processes. For those who visit in May, the opportunity arises to savor freshly harvested Longjing tea, with a particularly vibrant atmosphere during the period surrounding the Qingming Festival, attracting tourists from the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai regions. Meijiawu Tea Village, with its picturesque landscapes and immersive tea culture, offers a delightful retreat for those seeking a taste of rural life and a glimpse into the intricate art of tea production.

Table of Contents

Basic Information

Estimated Length of TourHalf a day
Ticket PriceFree
Opening Hours24 hours a day throughout the year
Telephone Number0086-0571-87094625

Location and Transportation

Meijiawu Tea Village is situated on both sides of Meiling Road in the western hinterland of the West Lake Scenic Area, approximately 10 kilometers from the city center of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China. To get there, you can take bus 103, 121, 324M or 1314 and get off at Meijiawu Stop (梅家坞站).

Highlights of Meijiawu Tea Village

Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall

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The Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall is a heartfelt tribute to the former Premier Zhou Enlai. Renovated from an old building that once hosted Premier Zhou, the memorial is a two-story structure. The upper floor serves as a reception area, while the lower floor functions as an exhibition hall. Divided into eight sections, the exhibition showcases historical documents, photographs, and artifacts related to Premier Zhou’s visits to Meijiawu. Additionally, it features images, inscriptions, and artworks from other central leaders such as Dong Biwu, Chen Yi, and Deng Yingchao, who also explored Meijiawu.

Langdang Ridge

langdang ridge in meijiawu village

Langdang Ridge stretches for several kilometers with winding hills, earning it the moniker “Ten Miles of Langdang.” The geological landscape is predominantly composed of limestone, resulting in a stunning array of peaks and diverse mountainous scenery. This ridge stands as the highest and longest in the West Lake region, averaging an elevation of over 200 meters. The panoramic views from the ridge provide a tranquil and picturesque setting, making it a beloved destination among locals and tourists alike.

Li Geng Tang (Li Geng Hall)

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The ancient residence of Li Geng Tang beautifully recreates the late Qing Dynasty’s architectural style. Adorned with pink walls and black tiles along the street, the hall exudes a dignified atmosphere. The inscription “Li Geng Tang (礼耕堂)” was penned by the 18th-century calligraphy master Zhang Zhao. Zhang, who served during the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong eras, is renowned for his powerful and square script. The venue, now restored, serves as a tea house and restaurant, offering visitors a chance to experience the charm of an ancient setting.

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